Håkon Francke

Velkommen til PTK 2018

Husk å stoppe og slå av en prat med FDB på PTK i Trondheim 5-7 mars ? FDB fortsetter sin tilstedeværelse på PTK og vil ha stand og bidra på et innlegg sammen med Sira Kvina Kraftselskap. Innlegget dreier seg om installasjon og bruk av sanntids- kontinuerlig virkningsgradsmåling på Åna-Sira.

Tilstandsdata til Osisoft/PI- connector

Til Kvilldal kraftverk har FDB levert et NI-CompactRIO (cRIO) loggesystem som overfører vannveisdata til Osisoft/PI- Connector. Kvilldal kraftverk er eid og driftes av Statkraft, og er et kraftverk i Ulla-Førre utbyggingen i Rogaland. Kvilldal er også Norges største vannkraftverk målt etter installert effekt: >1200MW. Statkraft har tatt i bruk Osisoft/PI som en felles server/lagrings-løsning for …

Tilstandsdata til Osisoft/PI- connector Les mer »

Ny ansatt i FDB

I oktober 2017 startet Andreas Tønnessen hos FDB. Andreas er nyutdannet elkraft-ingeniør fra NTNU, og var i et engasjement hos Sira-Kvina Kraftselskap før har begynte hos oss. Andreas vil i utgangspunktet være vår feltingeniør, og vil følge opp våre instrumentleveranser og måleoppdrag. Med elektrokompetansen vil FDB også være i stand til å levere flere tjenester …

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Pipe transient in Stavanger

As part of FDB’s ambitions on technology development for the energy business a major testing on pipe transients takes place in Stavanger. IRIS, the International Research Institute of Stavanger, hosts the testing and provides the flow loop used, see link for more details. Both water hammer and steady oscillatory conditions were achieved during the first round …

Pipe transient in Stavanger Les mer »

DiffCon – Video by Statkraft

Developed by Flow Design Bureau, Statkraft and troms Kraft, DiffCon the injection system enables Francis hydropower turbines to run at part load without the effects of heavy lifetime reducing hydraulic condition. Through the jets in the draft tube, the spin in the draft tube – believed to be the root of the problem – is …

DiffCon – Video by Statkraft Les mer »

Hydrocord Project – Hydro Power Condition Monitoring

Developed by Statkraft and Flow Design Bureau, the HydroCord system is more than a condition monitoring system. A holistic view of the hydrodynamic state of the power system enables optimization of both maintenance and production planning. The video is produced by students Katinka Rosbach (producer), Synne Gunther Andreassen (photo), Ida Øverland Eriksen (editing), Lisa Marie …

Hydrocord Project – Hydro Power Condition Monitoring Les mer »

Summer Internship 2016

Our summer internship candidate, final year graduate student at NTNU.Trondheim Eirik M. Hansen, completed two tasks connected FDB’s R&D activities on hydropower. For both studies Hansen used the software Flowmaster from Mentor Graphics for numerical simulation of flow dynamics. One aimed at understanding the dynamics in a closed water flow loop, and the other had …

Summer Internship 2016 Les mer »

New FDB LabView Architecture

FDB is proud to announce that we developed a new LabVIEW programming architecture. All new programming projects will be executed using this architecture. It uses a so-called queued message handler and separates the code in to modules each handling logical subdivisions of the code. This modular approach makes the architecture well suited for a team …

New FDB LabView Architecture Les mer »

FDB employee Jarle Vikør Ekanger has received the title PhD

FDB employee Jarle Vikør Ekanger has passed the public defence and has received the title PhD for his thesis titled “Investigation of the relationship between water quality variations and cavitation occurence in power plants”. In his work Jarle investigated if and how gas and particles, whose concentration varies naturally, affect risks related to cavitation erosion …

FDB employee Jarle Vikør Ekanger has received the title PhD Les mer »

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