Bjørnar Lona Svingen
Chief Developer,
Co-founder and co-owner of Flow Design Bureau AS, Norway.
I use my long-time experience from the energy industry and from research institutions, SINTEF and NTNU to enhance FDB’s expertise in hydropower systems engineering, transient calculations and digital twins/predictive governing systems. I am the developer of LVTrans. LVTrans is used by several major hydro power utilities, consultants and turbine manufacturers. It is used for transient/stability analysis, FCR analysis and for predictive governors/digital twins.
I am a long term member of the International Advisory Panel for Pressure Surges, now hosted by Deltares, previously BHR Group. I also contribute to IEC working groups within the same field.
Work Experiences
- Chief Developer, Flow Design Bureau (2024-present)
- Principal Engineer/Head of Systems Engineering at Rainpower/Hymatek/Aker Solutions (2008-2024)
- Associate Professor, 20%, NTNU (2015-2022)
- Founder and owner of Svingen Tech (for LVTrans) (2015-present)
- Research Scientist at SINTEF Energy (2003-2008)
- Co founder and CEO of FDB (2001-2003)
- Post.Doc at SINTEF (2000-2001)
- R&D Engineer at Kværner Process Systems (1997-2000)
- in 1996, NTNU – Fluid Structure Interactions in Piping Systems - (1992-1996)
- Master of Science in 1991, NTH, – Undersøkelse av selveksiterende trykksvingninger i rørsystemer tilkoblet en fjærende ventil - (1987-1991)
- Aircraft mechanic, Fenrik, Royal Norwegian Air Force (1985-1987)
Development of systems engineering software
Transient and stability analysis of hydro power plants
Systems engineering of hydro power plants
Design and installation of predictive governors (digital twins) in hydro power plants
FCR analysis
Commissioning of turbines and turbine governors
Professional Skills
- LabVIEW (LVTrans)
- C/C++
- Scilab/Xcos
- Python
- Lua
- Large and rapid set-point adjustment of hydro power plants using embedded transient hydraulic simulations of the plant as a model predictive method, BHR Group, 2015
- A predictive controller based on transient simulations for controlling a power plant, IAHR Symposium, 2016
- First principle approach linear model for hydraulic turbines suitable for use in available simulation platforms, BHR Group, 2028
- Transient Hydraulic Calculations with a Linear Turbine Model derived from a Nonlinear Synthetic Model, IAHR Symposium 2018
- Waterway stability analysis of hydropower plants using a nonlinear numerical method and FFT with focus on the response of hydraulic power, BHR Group, 2023
- Transient- and stability analysis of a whole range of small and large hydropower plants world-wide in connection with turbine and turbine governor deliveries (Rainpower, Hymatek, Aker Solutions). Systems engineering lead on many of these projects.
- Developer and designer of predictive governors for two hydro power plants, one plant being the largest in Norway.
- Developer, designer and distributor of the open-source transient- and stability analysis software LVTrans. This software is also the core of the digital twins/predictive governors.