News FDB på PTK 2025 Engaging and useful: User-centered collaboration and development with Sira-Kvina Virtual Power Plant Plugin Orbit Plugin MagFlux Plugin Q Based ETA Plugin HydroCord at NTE – Increases the value of their existing data platform Collaboration to industrialize new condition monitoring for generators FDB at PTK in Trondheim FDB Gathering 2025: First Aid and Refreshments «Konsulentdiode»: Sikker datauthenting med FDB- HydroCord diodearkitektur Morten Kjeldsen interviewed by Siemens Software FDB launches a new webpage for Design Services New blog entry on dynamics in flow systems Mapping and monitoring of the surface temperature of individual generator poles FDB's new concept for field measurements has been commissioned Bjørnar Svingen- New employee at FDB HydroCord kantsystemer hos Sira-Kvina Til Kina for å standardisere Endelig ferdig! Andre generasjon injeksjons-system er utprøvd FDB på IAHR møte i Kashgar- Kina FDB på PTK 2023 Vellykket Termodynamisk virkningsgradsmåling på Åna-Sira FDB ny blogg FDB er godt representert på PTK 2023 Annual meeting 2023 FDB WORKSHOP – Improving the HydroCord Delivery Process New staff member at FDB FDB presenterte HydroCord på PTK HydroCord igangsettelse på Duge Annual meeting 2022 Livia Ioana Pitorac defended her PhD work on November 16th, 2021 New staff member at FDB Livia Pitorac LiTRo – A novel test facility makes its debut New staff member at FDB New staff member at FDB Blogpost om digitalisering Carl Bergen holdt foredrag på PTK2020 FDB deltar som partner i AFC4Hydro Ny ansatt i FDB Carl Bergan Kontinuerlig kavitasjonsovervåkning i Mæl kraftverk Ingrid K. Vilberg forsvarte sitt PhD arbeid 6 februar 2019 Litro- Nytt forskningsprosjekt hos FDB FDB medlem av HydroCen DiffCon Trollheim igangsatt 5 år som NI Alliance Partner PTK 2018 Velkommen til PTK 2018 Tilstandsdata til Osisoft/PI- connector Ny ansatt i FDB Pipe transient in Stavanger DiffCon – Video by Statkraft Hydrocord Project – Hydro Power Condition Monitoring Summer Internship 2016 New FDB LabView Architecture Article about FDBs Ingrid Vilberg at The Research Council of Norway FDB employee Jarle Vikør Ekanger has received the title PhD PhD thesis defense and trial lecture for FDB employee Jarle V. Ekanger 29/2- 2016 Håkon is now a Certified LabVIEW Architect (CLA)